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Mamas and papas aria twin

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Mamas and papas aria twin Empty Mamas and papas aria twin

Post by elaine Sat Jun 13, 2009 8:37 am

Mamas and papas aria twin Aria_e10
loved this as soon as i got it but then i started noticing the faults with it.
the basket was flimsy underneath so basically anything over the weight of a bag of sugar made the basket trail on the ground which i ended up with 2 friction burns on it. the brakes never stayed up and the lever sat ontop of the bit it clicks into so when you were walking it clicked ALLLLL the way lol.
the seats arent that big either...quite narrow...well for me taylor i felt that way.

on the plus side it was lightweight...very compact.....frestanding when folded...lovely to look at and had teh trays at the front for the kids to eat or play on not a big fan of mamas and papas anymore...they look great but i feel certain models arent made the way they should be...i wouldnt buy another aria twin.
HOWEVER my mum had an aria (the single) and she loved it ....until it snapped with my sister in it one day as she was going down the stairs (my sister was 1 and a half) :suspect: haha
something you definately dont want happening...we might have been unlucky and got the "dregs" of the lot but i see people who have the same make and love theirs....i think ...each to their own but not my fave

Number of posts : 18224
Age : 39
Location : East Kilbride
Job/hobbies : Martial Arts Mum ( god i love that LOL)
Humor : losing it(my mind) gradually......
JOBS : Mamas and papas aria twin Elaine10
Personal : I love Taekwondo, it really is a way of life i dont know why i never done it sooner. Teamed that with the gym & Zumba and its a whole new me from the beginning of 2012... And i love it Smile
Registration date : 2008-05-24

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Mamas and papas aria twin Empty Re: Mamas and papas aria twin

Post by Rusco Sat Jun 13, 2009 1:06 pm

iv got the single one and i love it, its dead light and easy to push, only thing i didnt like about it was the footmuff, it kept slipping down and almost trailing on the ground, had to keep pulling it up

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Age : 46
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Personal : Mamas and papas aria twin Lovegirl2 Mamas and papas aria twin AuntMamas and papas aria twin IlovescottMamas and papas aria twin Aprilbaby
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Mamas and papas aria twin Lovesi11

Registration date : 2008-09-07

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Mamas and papas aria twin Empty Re: Mamas and papas aria twin

Post by nicky Mon Jun 15, 2009 10:02 pm

my childminder has the twin & the seats are quite narrow but its light & folds quite flat
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Number of posts : 3331
Age : 49
Location : lincoln
Humor : twisted!!!
Personal : Mamas and papas aria twin Bsm_lo11
Mamas and papas aria twin Bsm_lo12
Mamas and papas aria twin Sales_10
EBAY ID : nickychug or my secret one!! bigknickers2009
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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