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Babystyle Europa Lux 3-in-1

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Babystyle Europa Lux 3-in-1 Empty Babystyle Europa Lux 3-in-1

Post by ellen Mon Jun 15, 2009 7:33 pm

This is the exact same pram that I had for Phoebe, it was a dream to push.

It was deff the best pram I have ever had, and it was a bargain too, I only paid £90 and it was practically brand new, no wear to the tyres etc.
Diamond Member
Diamond Member

Number of posts : 6675
Age : 51
Location : Nottingham
Personal : Babystyle Europa Lux 3-in-1 Phood-20
Babystyle Europa Lux 3-in-1 Sales_10
Babystyle Europa Lux 3-in-1 210
Babystyle Europa Lux 3-in-1 311
Babystyle Europa Lux 3-in-1 119
Babystyle Europa Lux 3-in-1 215
EBAY ID : ellen310_4
Registration date : 2008-05-26

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