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5 kids in taylors class have had what seems to have been what she has and still went to nursery. i dont know why their parents still sends them to spread it around. the kids parents were called each day to come and collect and advised to keep them off but thats all the teachers can do. as soon as taylors got a sniffle i phone and see if its ok to bring her in as i wouldnt like to be the one getting the blame for passing it around, but seriously my two are doped up on calpol and a sore throat med for their raw throats from coughing all the time. docs say its like brochiolitis(sp) and these two get it all the time in winter so i kinda knew ...kinda...
i just dunno how those other kids stayed upright in nursery? taylor has had 2 sleeps today and will go down no problem again at 7-8pm and dylan is just laying in the buggy coughing away but too "zoned" to move poor wee guy.
i also have what they have but just the beginning i reckon as its just that heavy chested feeling and coughing ive been getting.
moral of my post is...well i guess im moaning about the stupid immature parents there who have them but dont want to look after them and send them anyway ...out of sight out of mind eh? gonna blow one day lol
i just dunno how those other kids stayed upright in nursery? taylor has had 2 sleeps today and will go down no problem again at 7-8pm and dylan is just laying in the buggy coughing away but too "zoned" to move poor wee guy.
i also have what they have but just the beginning i reckon as its just that heavy chested feeling and coughing ive been getting.
moral of my post is...well i guess im moaning about the stupid immature parents there who have them but dont want to look after them and send them anyway ...out of sight out of mind eh? gonna blow one day lol
elaine- Admin
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Registration date : 2008-05-24
Re: Apparantely
hope your lo's get well soon hun. I'm one of the evil mums who sends Morgan in if he has sniffles infact I sent him in today with his ear ache but only cos he wanted to go and I never got a single call asking for him to be picked up.
Natsuko- Moderator
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Re: Apparantely
i think its unfair to send them when they are really not well but if its a little sniffle its ok. i know someone whos daughter had a severe febrile convulsion on the sat and was back at playgroup on monday, with both her kids even though one of them had diahorea and sickness... not impressed.
Re: Apparantely
i know elaine it really isnt fair but it'sa private nusery and people will be being a lot o money to send them and you still have to pay even when there not there, some people will be thinking of the money aspect and maybe they cant take time of their work to watch them.
It's not good on other kids tho.
It's not good on other kids tho.
Sharon- Silver Member
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Re: Apparantely
i hate that its so annoying. callie ends up with somthing most weeks after nursery coz of parents sending ill kids in
Re: Apparantely
it is deffo a pain the ass when you have sick kid cos other parents send their kids sick but its hard when you cant afford time off work etc
Re: Apparantely
If Zoe was really unwell, high temp / being sick etc I would keep her off but if it was just a cold / cough I would send her in. Our nursery does refuse entry tho if they think they arent well enough to come in.
It's hard tho as it's expensive to send them and not always easy to take time off work, some works it would even be unpaid time off so you would be paying childcare but not getting paid iyswim. If she was at school I wouldn't keep her off for a cough or cold xx
It's hard tho as it's expensive to send them and not always easy to take time off work, some works it would even be unpaid time off so you would be paying childcare but not getting paid iyswim. If she was at school I wouldn't keep her off for a cough or cold xx
Re: Apparantely
tut i hate this im sure this is why summer has been so ill althou her nursery (mainstream school one) send home coughing kids liek they did with summer i kept her off last week so she had time for her steriods to work and there was an outbreak of diahorria and vomiting so im hoping summer has missed that one
hope taylor and dylan feel better soon
hope taylor and dylan feel better soon
2princess&2princes- Diamond Member
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Re: Apparantely
Our nurserys like that, I must admit its the same children who always come in ill and pas it on, i do agree with the paying side but its unfair on staff and the other children, some days i feel like a nurse cos all i do is comfort the children but im on less pay! Lol
Re: Apparantely
conor is always not well too. but like others say its a private nursery and costs ALOT of money to send them. Conor has been off a lot and theres nothing i can do. but if he has a high temp/sick or that then he is off. i'm obv lucky as i'm on mat leave and you dont work but others are not so fortunate/unfortunate however you see it. x
Re: Apparantely
Its tough, if your childs ill and cant go to nursery then your work should be understanding as they have to allow time off for ill children, its just the money side you lose and still have to pay the nursery!
Re: Apparantely
Kate at my work they moan if you take one day off or if you try and book the family days for your kids to have ops then they make you take annual leave instead of the allowed days you can have its a disgrace and thats the NHS. Morgan is full of cold but doesnt have a temp but does have earache so I sent him yesterday (alot of the kids seem to have a cold too). If I knew he wasnt actually up to going I wouldnt send him but I know he is as he is happy playing here at home, I certainly wouldnt send him if he or one of the others had D&V though until the last person had been clear for 48hrs but thats because that is the guidelines and I know how nasty those bugs can be.
Natsuko- Moderator
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Registration date : 2008-05-25
Re: Apparantely
the ones who are sending their kids dont work either...thats what gets me cos i do understand the paying side etc.
if my kid was that ill no matter if i worked or not id have them at home...seriously that bad here. my two can barely function,
dylan for instance hasnt woken up today. has moaned for a drink but thats been him.
doc said just calpol and ibuprofen when needed but theres nothing else i can do or they can do basically just have to wade it out. will be a week taylor has been ill today keeping her off the rest of this week and just send her in on monday surely she should be fine by then. i see the difference in her already mind you so i think she should be fine
if my kid was that ill no matter if i worked or not id have them at home...seriously that bad here. my two can barely function,
dylan for instance hasnt woken up today. has moaned for a drink but thats been him.
doc said just calpol and ibuprofen when needed but theres nothing else i can do or they can do basically just have to wade it out. will be a week taylor has been ill today keeping her off the rest of this week and just send her in on monday surely she should be fine by then. i see the difference in her already mind you so i think she should be fine
elaine- Admin
Number of posts : 18224
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Registration date : 2008-05-24
Re: Apparantely
hun Corey is 9 and i have had to put up with parents doing this all the really pees me off cuss Corey has brittle asthma and gets really sick with Debs is right its something that happens al through nursery/school no matter if its private or not...
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