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first sleepover

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first sleepover Empty first sleepover

Post by mimi Sun Dec 19, 2010 10:57 am

The kids came here straight from school on friday and had their first sleepover. Their mum turned up with no money for her taxi, so we paid it. Then she told her bf on the phone to go home and get ready then pick her up Shocked He was also stuck on the m1 so she ended up staying till nearly 9pm. I did the kids and will some dinner, so i had to offer her some, she ganneted it down and then finished the bowl of pasta bake then her kids dinners too. silent

Then she was trying to talk to me about when she had my stepdaughter and about hers and wills romance... woopeedoo i shut her up when i told her i had known will since i was a teen and that we always knew there was something there haha

Then i rolled a cigarette and she was hinting heavily that she wanted one even though she gave up years ago. i said well im not giving you one as i dont think its in the childrens best interests that you start again


She sent them with just their school uniform and she had brought pants new rather than washing ones they already had.

So knowing the weather was cold i had go go buy ss some trainers and trousers and sd shoes, and a non school skirt and a wintery top. I sorted her frizzy hair out by washing it properly and i wasned dried and ironed their school uniforms. When i did that ss said thankyou, i said what for? and he said i usually have to wash my school uniform affraid hes 9. They are only allowed 2 baths a week as well so i let them both have a bath. We had a picnic in their bedroom and we watched movies and played video games. They were good and theyre not hard work, they just get on with it.

then at 1pm yesterday we had to ask their mum to pick them up because of the snow. its took her 3 1/2 hours to get from 4 miles away to here because the snow was that bad. she got here at 5ish and the kids wouldnt talk to her and both of them were crying because they didnt want to leave, they even tried sending her away. She was mortified, i was worried about them cause the look on her face said it all.


I didnt think they had even had that much fun, their grandad and auntie couldnt get here, after an hour of walking they turned back and driving in the snow where they live is a no go. I didnt have much food in as them staying was so last minute and we were all stuck inside! i think their mum must be on their case all the time.
Diamond Member
Diamond Member

Number of posts : 5721
Age : 38
Location : Luton
Job/hobbies : Homemaker
Humor : sick sense of...
JOBS : first sleepover Ticct711
Personal : first sleepover Bfeed-10
first sleepover 116
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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first sleepover Empty Re: first sleepover

Post by Angela Sun Dec 19, 2010 12:49 pm

I think they enjoyed the quality time together and i think thats what counts....poor wee soul having to do his own washing x x x x

you're a great step mum x


Number of posts : 22150
Age : 41
Location : Kilmarnock
Job/hobbies : childminder
Humor : Sarky bugger
first sleepover Mod_bl10
EBAY ID : abba1772
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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first sleepover Empty Re: first sleepover

Post by Natsuko Sun Dec 19, 2010 7:29 pm

I'm glad they had a nice time with you guys hun. It really is worrying what she is putting them through such a shame that they are made to do such things and left in inappropriate clothing that really is not on. Does their mum suffer with depression or anything?

Number of posts : 14595
Age : 42
Location : Leeds W.yorkshire
Job/hobbies : Clerical Officer in NHS, hobbies well anything with my kids
JOBS : first sleepover New_me10
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first sleepover Due_in_December
first sleepover Bfeed-17
first sleepover Momofa13
first sleepover Bsm_ia12
first sleepover Momofa14
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[url=]first sleepover Morgan01[/url
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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