last straw
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last straw
well as you know tyler was wetting before at nursery. i pulled them up on it and he stopped.
His behaviour of late has become violent, violatile and hard to cope with, hes started wetting at nursery again and refusing to go there... now tyler has NEVER cried about this before, last week he went to a shoppers creche and couldnt wait to get in there. this morning he gripped me and wouldnt let go. I made the nursery nurse there (a half awake teenager) aware that she needed to get him to the toilet more often. she informed me that its when he goes outside he wets himself...
err... no... youtre not doing your job. Take him for a week beforehand if thats the case (not likely!)
Now for the millionth time hes come home with a bite bruise on his arm and yet again they never asked will to sign an accident form. I dont know how they couldnt have noticed as he must have cried and he said he bit the little boy back.
im so angry i cried.
His behaviour of late has become violent, violatile and hard to cope with, hes started wetting at nursery again and refusing to go there... now tyler has NEVER cried about this before, last week he went to a shoppers creche and couldnt wait to get in there. this morning he gripped me and wouldnt let go. I made the nursery nurse there (a half awake teenager) aware that she needed to get him to the toilet more often. she informed me that its when he goes outside he wets himself...
err... no... youtre not doing your job. Take him for a week beforehand if thats the case (not likely!)
Now for the millionth time hes come home with a bite bruise on his arm and yet again they never asked will to sign an accident form. I dont know how they couldnt have noticed as he must have cried and he said he bit the little boy back.
im so angry i cried.
Re: last straw
oh god hun, that is such a shame for him and you. You should really speak to the manager again maybe? she said to go back to her again if you had more problems didnt she? x
Re: last straw
i am going to call up tomorrow but im struggling to see how shes going to make good of this and if i dont hear what i want im going to call ofsted
Re: last straw
OMG that is awful, I don't get how they can't notice these things
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Re: last straw
well apaprently the two ladies who were looking after him at the time, knew it happened but couldnt see a mark (and apparently he didnt cry... unlikely!!!) so they didnt inform their superior, fill out an accident form or let us know.
It was the actual owner of the nursery who rang me back after i lodged the complaint with tylers key worker this morning (she tried to get them out of it but i was having no excuses)
The owner apologised profusely and said she will be dealing with the matter as she sees appropriate and she has already had a word with the biters parents but will be having a 'stronger' word with them warning them of the consequences.
As for the wetting shes noticed its gotten worsebetween last time i asked them to support him a bit more, she tried to turn it back on him and say after 6 months they take a step back etc, but i said erm, hes been potty trained for like 18 months and we dont have this problem anywhere else. She then said they ask him if he needs to go and when he says no they say ok, even if he looks like he does. I told her to take him to the toilet and then ask him, so theres no pull of toys and other children. i dont want this wetting to become a nursery habit and if they support him it will be savign them a lot of hard work in the future. She agreed and i said to her to ask him every hour and a half and before he goes outside (as according to them outside makes him wet himself)
i know she tried to bullshit out of it with him weeing. the thing is it seems like theres one common factor in all of this and its a couple of staff being lazy. From now i im going to be on it like a tonne of bricks till i know the problem is sorted.
It was the actual owner of the nursery who rang me back after i lodged the complaint with tylers key worker this morning (she tried to get them out of it but i was having no excuses)
The owner apologised profusely and said she will be dealing with the matter as she sees appropriate and she has already had a word with the biters parents but will be having a 'stronger' word with them warning them of the consequences.
As for the wetting shes noticed its gotten worsebetween last time i asked them to support him a bit more, she tried to turn it back on him and say after 6 months they take a step back etc, but i said erm, hes been potty trained for like 18 months and we dont have this problem anywhere else. She then said they ask him if he needs to go and when he says no they say ok, even if he looks like he does. I told her to take him to the toilet and then ask him, so theres no pull of toys and other children. i dont want this wetting to become a nursery habit and if they support him it will be savign them a lot of hard work in the future. She agreed and i said to her to ask him every hour and a half and before he goes outside (as according to them outside makes him wet himself)
i know she tried to bullshit out of it with him weeing. the thing is it seems like theres one common factor in all of this and its a couple of staff being lazy. From now i im going to be on it like a tonne of bricks till i know the problem is sorted.
Re: last straw
id still report them to ofsted a surprise inspection would do wonders for the lazy staff and incompetant manager x
Mums & Chums :: Postnatal :: Baby & Toddler :: Nursery Chat
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