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Slimming World Recipes: Emergency Veggie Pasta

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Slimming World Recipes: Emergency Veggie Pasta Empty Slimming World Recipes: Emergency Veggie Pasta

Post by 20somethingmam Wed Feb 13, 2013 1:46 pm

Free on green, unsure about red and EE!

250g pasta
mixed frozen veg
tin tomatoes
dried mixed herbs
garlic (I normally use the dried in a jar)
salt and pepper
tin butterbeans

Bring a pan of water to the boil and put in pasta. Meanwhile, put the tinned tomatoes, herbs, garlic and a pinch of salt and pepper into a small pan, bring to the boil and simmer to thicken up. After pasta has been cooking for about 4 minutes add the frozen veg. After another 2 minutes add the butter beans to warm through. When pasta is cooked, drain and mix with tomato sauce. Top with a serving of cheese (Healthy Extra A) for a quick, filling meal.
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