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Slimming World Recipes: Spicy Root and Lentil Cass

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Slimming World Recipes: Spicy Root and Lentil Cass Empty Slimming World Recipes: Spicy Root and Lentil Cass

Post by 20somethingmam Wed Feb 13, 2013 1:48 pm

Free on Green. This was originally a recipe off the Good Food website which I have been making for a while now. It's great for using up any root veggies hanging around.

1 onion, hopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed (I used the dried garlic in a jar)
Roughly 1.5 kg of root veg, chopped into cubes (In the past I have used a mixture of potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, parsnips and swede)
2 Tbsp curry powder
1 litre vegetable stock
100g red lentils

Spray a pan with frylight and cook the onion and garlic over a low -medium heat for 3-4 minutes. Turn up the heat to medium high, add the vegetables and cook until golden in colour, about 7 minutes. Stir in the curry powder, and cook for another minute. Add the vegetable stock and lentils, bring to the boil and cook for around 20 minutes until the veggies and lentils are tender and the sauce has thickened. Top with a dollop of natural yoghurt and serve with plain boiled rice.
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