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Slimming World Recipes: Microwave Basmati Rice

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Slimming World Recipes: Microwave Basmati Rice Empty Slimming World Recipes: Microwave Basmati Rice

Post by 20somethingmam Wed Feb 13, 2013 1:48 pm

Serves 4 - free on green

This is just a recipe for quick, plain basmati rice which doesn't need soaking. I often use this as a basis for quick meals, and I add some cooked quorn pieces and veggies, or leave to cool slightly and use to make egg fried rice.

300g basmati rice
700ml boiling water

Put rice, water and a pinch of salt into a microwaveable bowl, and cover with clingfilm. Pierce clingfilm, and cook on high for 10 minutes. Boil the kettle whilst it cooks, and then rinse rice in a colander with lots of freshly boiled water. Can't remember where I got the recipe from as I've been using it for years but it never fails!
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