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Slimming World Recipes: Pizza Quiche

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Slimming World Recipes: Pizza Quiche Empty Slimming World Recipes: Pizza Quiche

Post by 20somethingmam Wed Feb 13, 2013 1:49 pm

Serves two (Half a quiche each) when using cheese as Healthy Extra A or else 6 syns

For the quiche
1 packet Batchelor mild cheese and broccoli pasta
300g cottage cheese
125 g Quark (about half a tub)
3 eggs
dried chives
dried garlic

For the topping
3 Tbsp tomato puree
Half teaspoon dried basil
Half teaspoon, dried garlic
pinch salt

30g mozzarella cheese
15g reduced fat cheddar

Cook the pasta according to pack instructions using water only, no milk or butter. Mix together the cottage cheese, Quark, eggs, garlic and chives. When the pasta is cooked, pour into a flan/quiche base and pour ttage cheese mixture on top. Cook in the oven on 200 degrees C for 15 minutes until the top is a bit firmer to allow you to spread the tomato sauce.

To make the tomato sauce, mix together the tomato puree, basil, garlic and salt and add water a little at a time, mixing constantly until you reach desired consistency. Spread over the top of the quiche, and top with mozzarella and cheddar cheeses. Cook until quiche is set and cheese is bubbling.

I serve this with mixed salad and SW chips.
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