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Slimming World Introduction

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Slimming World Introduction Empty Slimming World Introduction

Post by kirsty Tue Nov 18, 2008 1:12 pm

Diet? Why? If you ever read a newspaper or switch on the TV, you’ll know that the UK is in the middle of, what the media have termed, an ‘obesity crisis’. So it’s no wonder that the bookshops are filled with diet titles and slimming magazines, and every celebrity is endorsing their ‘rabbit food’ diet plans!

At Slimming World, DIET is a four letter word! And if you’ve had your fill of these “off and on eating regimes”, if you’re fed up of going to bed early because you’re hungry - and if you never want to think ‘dare I eat that’ ever again - you’ve come to the right place!

Forget calorie counting
Forget deprivation and hunger
Forget the strict rules and regulations of past diets
Forget completely any previous dieting dos and don'ts - they'll only get in your way.
Forget diet pills that interfere with your body and your mind’s natural, healthy functions.
Embrace completely the freedom, flexibility and generosity of Food Optimising!

The stroke of genius behind Food Optimising lies in its concept of Free Food – healthy, satisfying foods that can be enjoyed in any amount whenever you’re hungry – the only limit is your appetite. They’re called Free Foods because they’re unlimited – no obsessive counting or tedious weighing; no feelings of hunger and deprivation!

And because Free Foods are ordinary, wholesome, everyday foods, the whole family can enjoy them. Take care of your family's health as well as your own; encourage them too to fill up on hunger-busting, health-giving, energy-providing Free Food - everyone will reap the benefits.

With such a delicious, healthy, liberating and, yes, slimming way of eating, is it any wonder why a quarter of a million people in the UK attend Slimming World groups every week – where they receive the support, encouragement and motivation of a fully trained Consultant and together with a supportive group of like-minded people, to help them reach their personal weight loss target!

So make it a gift to yourself – that you’ll ditch any excess 'dieting' baggage you've been carrying with you and set off on your new, exciting journey to success with Slimming World!

Number of posts : 21605
Age : 40
Location : Glasgow
Job/hobbies : student nurse/nhs24
Humor : silly/sarky lol
JOBS : site admin
Personal : Slimming World Introduction Daughter_2
Slimming World Introduction Genius10
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EBAY ID : kirstyb393
Registration date : 2008-05-24

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