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Got 5 eggs so far LOL

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Got 5 eggs so far LOL Empty Got 5 eggs so far LOL

Post by Debs Sat Feb 14, 2009 7:39 pm

easter eggs, they are on offer for £1, gonna go up soon to £2 so thought i would grab a couple everytime i got shopping! x x
Diamond Member
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Number of posts : 14772
Age : 45
Location : north wales
Job/hobbies : full time mummy,part time c/out assistant in Asda!
Humor : Let me find it LOL
Personal : Got 5 eggs so far LOL Ebayaddict
Got 5 eggs so far LOL Onlinebuds
Got 5 eggs so far LOL Loveboys
Got 5 eggs so far LOL Bsm_ia10mumblinkie
Got 5 eggs so far LOL Workinblinkie
Got 5 eggs so far LOL Homedo10

EBAY ID : callummaxjess
Registration date : 2008-09-14

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Got 5 eggs so far LOL Empty Re: Got 5 eggs so far LOL

Post by 2princess&2princes Sat Feb 14, 2009 7:43 pm

there are good aint they
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Registration date : 2008-06-06

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Got 5 eggs so far LOL Empty Re: Got 5 eggs so far LOL

Post by Rusco Sat Feb 14, 2009 8:45 pm

bargain!! xx
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Personal : Got 5 eggs so far LOL Lovegirl2 Got 5 eggs so far LOL AuntGot 5 eggs so far LOL IlovescottGot 5 eggs so far LOL Aprilbaby
Got 5 eggs so far LOL 071040001235777765
Got 5 eggs so far LOL 349111001235777981

Got 5 eggs so far LOL Lovesi11

Registration date : 2008-09-07

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Got 5 eggs so far LOL Empty Re: Got 5 eggs so far LOL

Post by kirsty Sat Feb 14, 2009 9:03 pm

thats a great price


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Personal : Got 5 eggs so far LOL Daughter_2
Got 5 eggs so far LOL Genius10
Got 5 eggs so far LOL 81v5aoxdexht5
EBAY ID : kirstyb393
Registration date : 2008-05-24

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Got 5 eggs so far LOL Empty Re: Got 5 eggs so far LOL

Post by Vicki Sat Feb 14, 2009 9:05 pm

i need to get some before they go up

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Got 5 eggs so far LOL 125
Got 5 eggs so far LOL Bgirl-20
Got 5 eggs so far LOL Team-edward2
EBAY ID : vickicara
Registration date : 2008-06-02

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Got 5 eggs so far LOL Empty Re: Got 5 eggs so far LOL

Post by kate Sat Feb 14, 2009 9:41 pm

good idea! Theyre buy one get one free in Co op £1.65

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JOBS : Got 5 eggs so far LOL Mod_bl10
Personal : Got 5 eggs so far LOL Ilovem10
Got 5 eggs so far LOL Phood-19
Got 5 eggs so far LOL Ptrain11
Got 5 eggs so far LOL Diet-010
Got 5 eggs so far LOL Sales_10
Got 5 eggs so far LOL Ebay2110
Got 5 eggs so far LOL Bgirl-10
Registration date : 2008-05-24

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Got 5 eggs so far LOL Empty Re: Got 5 eggs so far LOL

Post by Angela Sat Feb 14, 2009 10:06 pm

is one for me lmao


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Got 5 eggs so far LOL Mod_bl10
EBAY ID : abba1772
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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Got 5 eggs so far LOL Empty Re: Got 5 eggs so far LOL

Post by Debs Sat Feb 14, 2009 10:11 pm

not at this rate!!
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Job/hobbies : full time mummy,part time c/out assistant in Asda!
Humor : Let me find it LOL
Personal : Got 5 eggs so far LOL Ebayaddict
Got 5 eggs so far LOL Onlinebuds
Got 5 eggs so far LOL Loveboys
Got 5 eggs so far LOL Bsm_ia10mumblinkie
Got 5 eggs so far LOL Workinblinkie
Got 5 eggs so far LOL Homedo10

EBAY ID : callummaxjess
Registration date : 2008-09-14

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Got 5 eggs so far LOL Empty Re: Got 5 eggs so far LOL

Post by keeley Sat Feb 14, 2009 10:44 pm

there was none in my asda!!!

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Personal : Got 5 eggs so far LOL Bsm_lo14
Got 5 eggs so far LOL Phood-21
Got 5 eggs so far LOL 115
Got 5 eggs so far LOL 212
Got 5 eggs so far LOL 313
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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Got 5 eggs so far LOL Empty Re: Got 5 eggs so far LOL

Post by Debs Sat Feb 14, 2009 10:44 pm

ono! greedy gits lol x
Diamond Member
Diamond Member

Number of posts : 14772
Age : 45
Location : north wales
Job/hobbies : full time mummy,part time c/out assistant in Asda!
Humor : Let me find it LOL
Personal : Got 5 eggs so far LOL Ebayaddict
Got 5 eggs so far LOL Onlinebuds
Got 5 eggs so far LOL Loveboys
Got 5 eggs so far LOL Bsm_ia10mumblinkie
Got 5 eggs so far LOL Workinblinkie
Got 5 eggs so far LOL Homedo10

EBAY ID : callummaxjess
Registration date : 2008-09-14

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Got 5 eggs so far LOL Empty Re: Got 5 eggs so far LOL

Post by mum3 Sun Feb 15, 2009 8:05 am

You are much better organised than me i havent even thought about easter
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Humor : Of Course You Need One As A Mum
Personal : Got 5 eggs so far LOL 122
Got 5 eggs so far LOL Momof213
Got 5 eggs so far LOL Bfeed-16
EBAY ID : mum32008
Registration date : 2008-06-03

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Got 5 eggs so far LOL Empty Re: Got 5 eggs so far LOL

Post by elaine Sun Feb 15, 2009 9:14 am

i need 30 :O:O between all the kids in his family and my bros and sisters! and obv our kids....
nightmare...gonna have to pick some up this week

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Job/hobbies : Martial Arts Mum ( god i love that LOL)
Humor : losing it(my mind) gradually......
JOBS : Got 5 eggs so far LOL Elaine10
Personal : I love Taekwondo, it really is a way of life i dont know why i never done it sooner. Teamed that with the gym & Zumba and its a whole new me from the beginning of 2012... And i love it Smile
Registration date : 2008-05-24

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Got 5 eggs so far LOL Empty Re: Got 5 eggs so far LOL

Post by traceylou Sun Feb 15, 2009 10:36 am

lol dunno not even thought about it but need to get organised soon no idea how mant i need to get

Number of posts : 313
Age : 42
Location : devon
Personal : Got 5 eggs so far LOL 100x100_supportnursingmothers-1
Got 5 eggs so far LOL DivainTrainingBlinkie
Got 5 eggs so far LOL Bigblinkie_2bornathome-1
Got 5 eggs so far LOL Offends
Got 5 eggs so far LOL Inmemory
Registration date : 2009-02-13

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Got 5 eggs so far LOL Empty Re: Got 5 eggs so far LOL

Post by kerry Sun Feb 15, 2009 12:57 pm

im off to asda today think i will be picking a few of these up xxx
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Personal : Got 5 eggs so far LOL Boy510
Got 5 eggs so far LOL 312
<a href=\" 5 eggs so far LOL Th_bcb10Got 5 eggs so far LOL Th_bcb10
EBAY ID : keztd
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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