Saved a baby rat today
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Saved a baby rat today
Well I was out in the front garden this morning when I heard a squeeking noise... I looked over into next doors garden and their cat was playing with something, at first I thought it was a young bird so got my trainers on and went over and shooed the cat away and looked at what it was and it was a really young rat.. I picked it up and took it back to mine, I had intended to look after it a little as it had a cut leg but Chris said no so had to put it down in the garden under upturned wheelbarrow. Later on Morgan had chucked his ball next door and I went with him to get it when I saw the little thing lying in her lawn looking somewhat half dead or so I thought so went to pick it up by its tail and the little bugger tried to bite me so droped it and it came running towards my leg... Dont know where she has scarpered off to now though.
Natsuko- Moderator
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Registration date : 2008-05-25
Re: Saved a baby rat today
I know but it was only a baby so was pretty cute to look at lol... I dont like it when cats play with other animals when they are still alive fair enough when already dead but alive is just mean and torture.
Natsuko- Moderator
Number of posts : 14595
Age : 42
Location : Leeds W.yorkshire
Job/hobbies : Clerical Officer in NHS, hobbies well anything with my kids
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Registration date : 2008-05-25
Mums & Chums :: Lifestyles :: Woman & Home :: Pet issues
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