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Chicco 0.4 winter stroller

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Chicco 0.4 winter stroller Empty Chicco 0.4 winter stroller

Post by elaine Sat Jun 13, 2009 8:12 am

Chicco 0.4 winter stroller Chicct10
i had this in the exact colours it is in the pic
great sturdy stroller ...wheels were too big for getting on and off buses though i felt i was constantly tripping people up and i kicked the back of the brakes so many i got fed up....and gave it away to my mum which she still uses to this day for my 3yr old sister...she loves it .
i did too at first it was snug, cosy and looked great too...i will admit i have thought about getting it in the chelsea style for dylan (thats the blue version)
the other thing was teh raincover....was great till my little sis got the buggy. she put her fingers through the air holes vents in the raincover which are wider than most and ripped the raincover..still useable but i find a "thicker" raincover is better for little curious fingers

Number of posts : 18224
Age : 39
Location : East Kilbride
Job/hobbies : Martial Arts Mum ( god i love that LOL)
Humor : losing it(my mind) gradually......
JOBS : Chicco 0.4 winter stroller Elaine10
Personal : I love Taekwondo, it really is a way of life i dont know why i never done it sooner. Teamed that with the gym & Zumba and its a whole new me from the beginning of 2012... And i love it Smile
Registration date : 2008-05-24

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