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asda washing tabs

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asda washing tabs Empty asda washing tabs

Post by elaine Fri Aug 14, 2009 12:21 pm

i love these .... 36 tabs i get the oriental type and use asda fabric softener too(line fresh)..... (even though the tabs are 2in1`s)

tabs are £2.89(i think)or 2 for £5 and the fabric softener s for £1.50 or 95p each

the smell is amazing lol and lasts for ages i washed my dressing gown last week and it still smells like its just been washed...i am addicted to it when i combine these two...just thought id share that lol

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Registration date : 2008-05-24

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asda washing tabs Empty Re: asda washing tabs

Post by 2princess&2princes Fri Aug 14, 2009 1:04 pm

who makes asda tabs hun

they sound lush
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