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Settled in

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Settled in Empty Settled in

Post by Natsuko Mon Sep 14, 2009 8:45 am

Well I think its safe to assume Smudge has settled into our home now as she certainly isnt shy. She is such a mischievous little thing constantly tearing about the place playing with anything she can get her paws on. She still likes to pounce and sprawl over the laptop whenever I'm on it. She is also worse than the dog at trying to steal food from the kids. Still you gotta love her as she just has one of those personalitites that you cant help but love. I also think the kids are starting to learn to not chase her about as much too as today she just played about and the kids left her to it which was a shock. She even went and sat next to Morgan for a little bit too.

Number of posts : 14595
Age : 42
Location : Leeds W.yorkshire
Job/hobbies : Clerical Officer in NHS, hobbies well anything with my kids
JOBS : Settled in New_me10
Personal : Settled in Pregna10
Settled in Due_in_December
Settled in Bfeed-17
Settled in Momofa13
Settled in Bsm_ia12
Settled in Momofa14
Settled in 02watp11
Settled in Th_thp11
[url=]Settled in Morgan01[/url
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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