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Think I'm going to have to

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Think I'm going to have to Empty Think I'm going to have to

Post by Natsuko Thu Sep 24, 2009 7:51 pm

Find Smudge a new home, dont get me wrong I love her to bits but she is really driving me round the bend now. She can be really loving however my arms and right hand are scratched and bitten to shreds over the last few nights. She just suddenly decides she has to pounce on me if I'm ignoring her, she even goes to swipe at the kids if they come for attention and she wants it. Take just now for instance she attacked me cos I was on laptop that was after sitting on my shoulder nicely. Then she came and crept to me again was all lovey dovey and yet again has just gone to attack me. I know its normal kitten behaviour in someway however I dont know how much more my arms can take and no sooner do I put her down does she start attacking me again. I'm also concerned about her swiping at the kids when they want a cuddle too cos if she is still like that when new baby is here I'd be worrying big time. So I think it might be best if I find her someone who can give her the attention she is going to want/need. Its such a shame as she is a lovely cat and generally good with the kids, I just dont think I'm cut out to have a cat Think I'm going to have to Icon_sad

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[url=]Think I'm going to have to Morgan01[/url
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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Think I'm going to have to Empty Re: Think I'm going to have to

Post by jue Thu Sep 24, 2009 7:55 pm

Don't blame you one bit Julie, you can't mess about when you've got kids about and of course little one when she comes. I'm sure someone will take her on. x
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Think I'm going to have to Empty Re: Think I'm going to have to

Post by Natsuko Thu Sep 24, 2009 8:57 pm

Well I'm going to make sure its someone who will look after her well as she aint just going to anyone lol... I'm picky with who has my pets lol, I just feel bad that its not working out.

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[url=]Think I'm going to have to Morgan01[/url
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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Think I'm going to have to Empty Re: Think I'm going to have to

Post by kirsty Thu Sep 24, 2009 8:59 pm

oh my thats not good huni


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Think I'm going to have to Empty Re: Think I'm going to have to

Post by kate Fri Sep 25, 2009 7:36 am

aww i know what u mean, kittens are a handful, Lillie can handle Ours as shes 3 but she still scratches her!

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Think I'm going to have to Empty Re: Think I'm going to have to

Post by Babydoll Fri Sep 25, 2009 7:39 am

I've got 2 cats fifi and magic and magic is just a baby. He tends to scratch katrina but i can't blame him since that katrina picks him up by the neck.

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Think I'm going to have to Empty Re: Think I'm going to have to

Post by elaine Fri Sep 25, 2009 8:02 am

shame julie.
my cat was brilliant...only ever scratched my ex and me once...dunno if it was cos i was firm with her lol i mean really firm lol only because ive only ever really known to rear big dogs lol.

i dont think now is the right time to get a kitten anyway hun as the baby will be here very shortly and the kitten will just get stressed aswell and very jealous

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Think I'm going to have to Empty Re: Think I'm going to have to

Post by Denise Fri Sep 25, 2009 8:40 am

i would definately be getting rid of her, as my nan had a cat when my mum was a baby and it tried to suffocate my mum when she was in her pram because it was jealous, i dont like cats though (sorry to anyone who has them) i think their cute but thats as far as it goes, you do tend to find though that cats can be just as nasty as dogs
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Think I'm going to have to Empty Re: Think I'm going to have to

Post by Debs Fri Sep 25, 2009 10:04 am

mine never scratch, only if they r getting hurt themselves x
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Think I'm going to have to Empty Re: Think I'm going to have to

Post by Angela Fri Sep 25, 2009 11:21 am

aww honey don't beat yourself up you've got enough to deal with x x x


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Think I'm going to have to Empty Re: Think I'm going to have to

Post by Natsuko Fri Sep 25, 2009 9:47 pm

Well the decission is def made that she has to go as been out all day (chris has been home) I've just drifted in/out and since being home she has come to me for attention which I've given her and still gone for me she's gone for my hands/arm and also my face/head tonight as wasnt giving her the attention she wants and obviously I'm not allowed to be out for a day lol No joke she came sat on my shoulder then turned to my face and wrapped her paws round it and dug her claws in then went to bite my face she has tried 4 times since I got home.

Elaine I am firm with her have had her by scruf of neck, pinned her down you name it she still gets cocky with me. She is generally great with the kids but this is too much for me I know she misses me and wants attention and that she would do this to mum cat but still I dont have patience right now.

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