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Daz 90 wash

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Daz 90 wash Empty Daz 90 wash

Post by Debs Tue Nov 18, 2008 11:31 am

pack is £7 cheers
Diamond Member
Diamond Member

Number of posts : 14772
Age : 45
Location : north wales
Job/hobbies : full time mummy,part time c/out assistant in Asda!
Humor : Let me find it LOL
Personal : Daz 90 wash Ebayaddict
Daz 90 wash Onlinebuds
Daz 90 wash Loveboys
Daz 90 wash Bsm_ia10mumblinkie
Daz 90 wash Workinblinkie
Daz 90 wash Homedo10

EBAY ID : callummaxjess
Registration date : 2008-09-14

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Daz 90 wash Empty Re: Daz 90 wash

Post by kirsty Tue Nov 18, 2008 12:27 pm

im gonna get me some of this !!!


Number of posts : 21605
Age : 40
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Job/hobbies : student nurse/nhs24
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Personal : Daz 90 wash Daughter_2
Daz 90 wash Genius10
Daz 90 wash 81v5aoxdexht5
EBAY ID : kirstyb393
Registration date : 2008-05-24

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Daz 90 wash Empty Re: Daz 90 wash

Post by elaine Tue Nov 18, 2008 1:03 pm

me too ...phoned and told my mum too lol

Number of posts : 18224
Age : 39
Location : East Kilbride
Job/hobbies : Martial Arts Mum ( god i love that LOL)
Humor : losing it(my mind) gradually......
JOBS : Daz 90 wash Elaine10
Personal : I love Taekwondo, it really is a way of life i dont know why i never done it sooner. Teamed that with the gym & Zumba and its a whole new me from the beginning of 2012... And i love it Smile
Registration date : 2008-05-24

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Daz 90 wash Empty Re: Daz 90 wash

Post by Debs Tue Nov 18, 2008 1:08 pm

Diamond Member
Diamond Member

Number of posts : 14772
Age : 45
Location : north wales
Job/hobbies : full time mummy,part time c/out assistant in Asda!
Humor : Let me find it LOL
Personal : Daz 90 wash Ebayaddict
Daz 90 wash Onlinebuds
Daz 90 wash Loveboys
Daz 90 wash Bsm_ia10mumblinkie
Daz 90 wash Workinblinkie
Daz 90 wash Homedo10

EBAY ID : callummaxjess
Registration date : 2008-09-14

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Daz 90 wash Empty Re: Daz 90 wash

Post by emma-lou Tue Nov 18, 2008 9:44 pm

I got some today, sorted Laughing

Gold Member
Gold Member

Number of posts : 1966
Age : 56
Location : Here *wink*
Job/hobbies : I'm a mum.
Humor : Amazing!
Personal : Daz 90 wash 819701i60rp26nf0
Daz 90 wash 598422onwor9t8jl
Daz 90 wash Vy72mb
Daz 90 wash 1439710b8ix9i9p5w
Daz 90 wash 502764u1xpzn8u7g
Registration date : 2008-05-28

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Daz 90 wash Empty Re: Daz 90 wash

Post by Debs Wed Nov 19, 2008 8:30 am

Diamond Member
Diamond Member

Number of posts : 14772
Age : 45
Location : north wales
Job/hobbies : full time mummy,part time c/out assistant in Asda!
Humor : Let me find it LOL
Personal : Daz 90 wash Ebayaddict
Daz 90 wash Onlinebuds
Daz 90 wash Loveboys
Daz 90 wash Bsm_ia10mumblinkie
Daz 90 wash Workinblinkie
Daz 90 wash Homedo10

EBAY ID : callummaxjess
Registration date : 2008-09-14

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Daz 90 wash Empty Re: Daz 90 wash

Post by susanne Wed Nov 19, 2008 5:00 pm

lol the amount of people i have served in our asda with these lol there is a 2 per customer policy in our place now cos lots of people where coming in buying lots!

Diamond Member
Diamond Member

Number of posts : 7348
Age : 39
Location : LIVERPOOL
Job/hobbies : MVG Asda , Mummy
JOBS : Daz 90 wash Mod_bl10
Daz 90 wash Mod_bl10
Personal : Daz 90 wash Bboy-010
Daz 90 wash Bgirl-10
Daz 90 wash Love-010
Daz 90 wash Rnqb3610
Daz 90 wash Sales_10
Daz 90 wash Slimme10
Daz 90 wash Ebay2110

EBAY ID : mrscorkill1985
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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Daz 90 wash Empty Re: Daz 90 wash

Post by Debs Wed Nov 19, 2008 7:36 pm

yeah buying loads in ours too, did u have the 50p tuna? john west one? we were only allowed to sell 3 per customer but one of my customers kicked off saying there should be a sign x
Diamond Member
Diamond Member

Number of posts : 14772
Age : 45
Location : north wales
Job/hobbies : full time mummy,part time c/out assistant in Asda!
Humor : Let me find it LOL
Personal : Daz 90 wash Ebayaddict
Daz 90 wash Onlinebuds
Daz 90 wash Loveboys
Daz 90 wash Bsm_ia10mumblinkie
Daz 90 wash Workinblinkie
Daz 90 wash Homedo10

EBAY ID : callummaxjess
Registration date : 2008-09-14

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Daz 90 wash Empty Re: Daz 90 wash

Post by susanne Wed Nov 19, 2008 10:40 pm

lol yer the john west one! they where buying it in the case load theres no bloody need!!!!?????

i mean sorry if any of you girls bought it like that lol sorry!!!!

Diamond Member
Diamond Member

Number of posts : 7348
Age : 39
Location : LIVERPOOL
Job/hobbies : MVG Asda , Mummy
JOBS : Daz 90 wash Mod_bl10
Daz 90 wash Mod_bl10
Personal : Daz 90 wash Bboy-010
Daz 90 wash Bgirl-10
Daz 90 wash Love-010
Daz 90 wash Rnqb3610
Daz 90 wash Sales_10
Daz 90 wash Slimme10
Daz 90 wash Ebay2110

EBAY ID : mrscorkill1985
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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Daz 90 wash Empty Re: Daz 90 wash

Post by Debs Thu Nov 20, 2008 8:43 am

i know it is crazy, im working tonight crying emote
Diamond Member
Diamond Member

Number of posts : 14772
Age : 45
Location : north wales
Job/hobbies : full time mummy,part time c/out assistant in Asda!
Humor : Let me find it LOL
Personal : Daz 90 wash Ebayaddict
Daz 90 wash Onlinebuds
Daz 90 wash Loveboys
Daz 90 wash Bsm_ia10mumblinkie
Daz 90 wash Workinblinkie
Daz 90 wash Homedo10

EBAY ID : callummaxjess
Registration date : 2008-09-14

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Daz 90 wash Empty Re: Daz 90 wash

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