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I could kill my dog, managed to go all weekend without any complications really with his paw, but what does he do on the one day that my OH goes back to work, he goes and darts about and opens it up again. I had to ring up vets about 9.40 to let them know, then had to ring MIL to get kids. I just broke down this morning in tears at the thought of all the expense, seriously I dont know how I'm going to afford todays bill as they had to re stitch it so probably going to be another £200+. If my OH had done what I asked and made it so he couldnt go up the garden i wouldnt have had this but noooo he was a lazy idiot. Well I have managed to quickly section off the bit at the side using a spare fence panel, belt and the two dustbins lol.... took me a whole ten mins to look and work out to do it.
Seriously now I hope there are no further complications with his foot. Oh and I nearly snapped at my neighbour too cos when I shouted Ty she started to moan out loud about how I did it too. I swear I could have slapt her. And then when I was taking ty to vets they were watching out the window too.
Seriously now I hope there are no further complications with his foot. Oh and I nearly snapped at my neighbour too cos when I shouted Ty she started to moan out loud about how I did it too. I swear I could have slapt her. And then when I was taking ty to vets they were watching out the window too.
Natsuko- Moderator
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Job/hobbies : Clerical Officer in NHS, hobbies well anything with my kids
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Registration date : 2008-05-25
She always has a bee in her bonnet, used to be real nice but obviously first impressions aint always right lol... Her dogs bark loads, and she was only moaning and tutting cos of how I called ty. I yelled him as was in a panic etc and I also had Morgan carrying on on the steps at same time so was kinda out of control lol....
Natsuko- Moderator
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Registration date : 2008-05-25
oh no hun it's in such an awkward spot and with him being so hyper, can you not pay it off in installments i know it's not the point can yo get doggy sleeping tablets lol sounds like a handful
ANgela I'm going to pay off in instalments again but already have £100 to pay off still, thats starting in Jan at £25 a month so looks like I will be having to pay out a total of £50pm instead when I get this new part set up on direct debit. I'm just dreading the bill. WIsh I could knock him out, I asked them if they would chop his leg off lol.... Not that that would make much difference to him lol he would still find a way to bound about if I know my dog.
Lol Kirsty just wait until next year when dog is in back garden and side bit and the kids and I are out in the front playing lol she will love us even more oh and when I start a little veg patch in the front too. its only a temporary one until I can afford to do back garden but no doubt she will moan lol.
Lol Kirsty just wait until next year when dog is in back garden and side bit and the kids and I are out in the front playing lol she will love us even more oh and when I start a little veg patch in the front too. its only a temporary one until I can afford to do back garden but no doubt she will moan lol.
Natsuko- Moderator
Number of posts : 14595
Age : 42
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Job/hobbies : Clerical Officer in NHS, hobbies well anything with my kids
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Registration date : 2008-05-25
Awwh hope he is ok. It is a lot of money to be paying out. Hope you get it sorted! x
he's 3 will be 4 next year. And yes has always been hyper cant let him near people we know as he will just dive on them especially if he doesnt see them regular lol and he's just sooo big too we have tried allsorts to get him to stop jumping up and calming down but nothing works. When I go to pick him up in a bit he will probably still pull me about as he did last time.
Natsuko- Moderator
Number of posts : 14595
Age : 42
Location : Leeds W.yorkshire
Job/hobbies : Clerical Officer in NHS, hobbies well anything with my kids
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Registration date : 2008-05-25
Mums & Chums :: Lifestyles :: Woman & Home :: Pet issues
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