Arghhhhh Fleas
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Mums & Chums :: Lifestyles :: Woman & Home :: Pet issues
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Arghhhhh Fleas
Just found out our dog has got fleas she was having a good scratch so had a look at her fur there were no fleas to be seen but shes got flea dirt all on her so ordered some flea stuff for her online(as its 10 quid cheaper than the vets ) and its bath and her bedding on a boil wash tomorrow with bleaching and major cleaning, thinking either dh or i have brought a flea in from someone elses house as she doesnt mix with other dogs
Re: Arghhhhh Fleas
oh no I hate fleas they are still rife at this time of year. She could have picked it up anywhere though even just in the garden they dont just live on dogs. My dog used to come in full of them if he ever encountered a hedgehog in the garden... If you find any crush em make them go pop.... Its just so satisfying when they do that....
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Re: Arghhhhh Fleas
we flea bombed our house once turns out the dog never had fleas it was just tiny flys he never spoke to us for a day after we flea bathed him pmsl
Re: Arghhhhh Fleas
oh no nothing worse than fleas, when we first moved into this house it was riddled with cat fleas and i was being bitten left right and centre and i don't own any pets so was here when we moved in from the previous tenants.
they'll be gone soon, could she have not picked them up from the garden or something??
they'll be gone soon, could she have not picked them up from the garden or something??
Mums & Chums :: Lifestyles :: Woman & Home :: Pet issues
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