Thinking of getting these for Morgan
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Thinking of getting these for Morgan
They are gorgeous fish and only need subtropical temps so wouldnt need a heater until winter could also keep them with some whitecloud minnows too which when flirting display brilliantly. Apparently they breed like siamese fighters which if so might have to have a go at too as managed to breed and raise those before I had Morgan.
They are gorgeous fish and only need subtropical temps so wouldnt need a heater until winter could also keep them with some whitecloud minnows too which when flirting display brilliantly. Apparently they breed like siamese fighters which if so might have to have a go at too as managed to breed and raise those before I had Morgan.
Natsuko- Moderator
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Re: Thinking of getting these for Morgan
where are you gonna put them all you'll need to ask the neighbours to move out and knock through the two houses lol
Re: Thinking of getting these for Morgan
i was just going to say....are you starting a pet shop in your house, lol. x
Re: Thinking of getting these for Morgan
natsukos pets r us lol
natsukos pets r us lol
elaine- Admin
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Re: Thinking of getting these for Morgan
Lovely fish...we were talking about getting tropical fish, we have a big corner tank with 2 goldfish in, we wondered if we could turn it into a tropical one with all the right eqipment of course.
jue- Diamond Member
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Re: Thinking of getting these for Morgan
Well the set up for those fish wont be very big I'm sure my small tanks would hold two of them and some white cloud minnows. Either that or I just get Morgan the whitecloud minnows and look for a smaller fish that would fit into the tank as cold water. There are so many nice fish out there.
If I had my way I would work in a petshop but I'd be too reluctant to make sales and be quizing customers over what they have already in tanks and viv setups etc lol.....
Jue course you'd be able to turn your tank into tropical you will probably already have a powerful filter in there for your goldies they usually come with decent filters. All you would really need is the suitable heater and they are pretty cheap, oh and to trade your goldies in too you wont get much but it would still get you a few tropical fish. Oooh you could get some of those lovely black Angel fish. A shoal of tetras (dont advise neons go for cardinals if you like the red/blue ones they are hardier). Oops sorry rambling on again lol
If I had my way I would work in a petshop but I'd be too reluctant to make sales and be quizing customers over what they have already in tanks and viv setups etc lol.....
Jue course you'd be able to turn your tank into tropical you will probably already have a powerful filter in there for your goldies they usually come with decent filters. All you would really need is the suitable heater and they are pretty cheap, oh and to trade your goldies in too you wont get much but it would still get you a few tropical fish. Oooh you could get some of those lovely black Angel fish. A shoal of tetras (dont advise neons go for cardinals if you like the red/blue ones they are hardier). Oops sorry rambling on again lol
Natsuko- Moderator
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