Morgan and the geckos
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Morgan and the geckos
Bless Morgan he is seriously funny, I thought I was weird enjoying watching my leos hunting crickets however Morgan loves it even more. As soon as I'm putting the locusts or crickets in Morgan is there tapping on the glass and telling the leos "num nums get num nums" and he will tell me to put more in for them too. It is so cute though watching him pointing to the insects and trying to tell the geckos where they are. He gets so excited too bless. Same with when I have them out he runs to the sofa sits down and starts patting his legs going "knee knee" meaning he wants them to sit on his knee. Only downside is that he will throw a paddy when I have to put the gecko back so now have to chuck in some crickets for them to distract him
Natsuko- Moderator
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Age : 42
Location : Leeds W.yorkshire
Job/hobbies : Clerical Officer in NHS, hobbies well anything with my kids
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Registration date : 2008-05-25
Mums & Chums :: Lifestyles :: Woman & Home :: Pet issues
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