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my latest (and last twin pram) safety 1st tandem

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my latest (and last twin pram) safety 1st tandem Empty my latest (and last twin pram) safety 1st tandem

Post by elaine Sat Jun 13, 2009 8:47 am

my latest (and last twin pram) safety 1st tandem Safety10
i have this ALL in silver or any other colour as my "supplier" only just got this one in yesterday
so far so good...few little things i notice which are a downside to it but its a great sturdy tandem stroller

if taylor wants to sleep in the front i cant lie her back as she squishes dylans legs
the basket underneat is a fair size...but you cant get anything in the way you should be able to as the folding lever is in the way of the opening to get your shopping in and the footrest for the back seat is in the middle of the basket too so you have to open the basket at the side and put whatever you can in there and then fasten has a wooden bottom though so no trailing etc YEY! cheers
the raincover is excellent...covers everything it should and you can throw it on in 2 secs incase of sudden downpour lol....the bootcovers are good too though i wouldnt recommend for a 2yr old like mine i wont use the one for taylor as she kicks it off and i feel shes restricted in her movement in one. but blankets are great things arent they? lol.the seats are big....plenty fo room...soooo compact is this stroller i went on a 5min bus journey yesterday and it got on and off no problem (easier than some single strollers imo) far i love it, kids approve and dylan loves it when taylor plays peekaboo...both have their own hoods and i can remove taylors which i did yesterday seeing as the weather was gr8
seats have padded covers which i can remove if i wish but hey its a bit of luxury on my their little bums...
says not from birth...i would say you could definately use it from birth...reason being because the back seat lays back into a carrycot.

but as i say only downsides are teh positioning of the seats so front child cant lay back and the basket access.

Number of posts : 18224
Age : 39
Location : East Kilbride
Job/hobbies : Martial Arts Mum ( god i love that LOL)
Humor : losing it(my mind) gradually......
JOBS : my latest (and last twin pram) safety 1st tandem Elaine10
Personal : I love Taekwondo, it really is a way of life i dont know why i never done it sooner. Teamed that with the gym & Zumba and its a whole new me from the beginning of 2012... And i love it Smile
Registration date : 2008-05-24

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