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Mamas and papas Luna

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Mamas and papas Luna Empty Mamas and papas Luna

Post by Natsuko Sat Jun 13, 2009 3:54 pm

I have this in green and although it looks stunning I think it is not a very practical stroller. There are so many faults design wise it is unbelieveable, firstly it is wide and heavy when folded flat, and you cant move it around using the wheels unlike most umbrella fold strollers as the wheels arent on the floor :evil: , secondly even with carseat and a 20lb+ toddler in it and just nappy bag on handles when on buses going round corners it still goes to tip over :evil: , thirdly it is rubbish here in the city unless you have completely smooth pavements as the smallest potthole you come across or cobbled street then you are more or less stuck if you cant avoid them as it just does not want to budge past them :evil: , fourth the brake bar is in completely wrong place especially if you have steps to go up as it just catches and puts the breaks on :evil: . Then there is the colour lol mine is grean and it just picks up dirt like I dont know what and the seat isnt easily removable to get clean. The only thing going for this buggy is the fact that it is really easy to steer one handed and that it looks good, however that is all really and I certainly wouldnt pay full price for one of these or get one EVER again. Oh and final dislike about it is the harness on the stroller to me it just does not look safe as it doesnt attach to the back like your regular ones lol

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Mamas and papas Luna Empty Re: Mamas and papas Luna

Post by Rusco Sat Jun 13, 2009 4:48 pm

that doesnt sound good at all, i do like the look of this one tho

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Registration date : 2008-09-07

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