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Mamas and Papas Ultima 8 in 1 & MPX Chassis

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Mamas and Papas Ultima 8 in 1 & MPX Chassis Empty Mamas and Papas Ultima 8 in 1 & MPX Chassis

Post by shazza Mon Jun 15, 2009 2:55 pm

I love this.....altho it was very expensive it has been well worth it. My mum and dad bought the main package and I bought the car seat base, changing bag, footmuff and mum bought the parasol too... so all in all was probably about £900-£1000 worth!

The carrycot was fab and conor slept in this instead of a moses basket for 3 months. It goes on the stand that you get with it and is easily moveable. The car seat is great too, but you will probably need the base which cost us more money!

Since Conor was about 3 1/2 months i've had it converted as the pushchair as he was too long for it. This lies flat also. The footmuff is nice and cosy and fits well, and it can also fit on the car seat but i got another white one as didnt want to move it off and on all the time.

The wheels are fab on it, can go straight or moveable. I always have them on moveable as its great but my mum likes to keep them straight. The basket is good for shopping too...altho it had a carboard bit in it to keep it flat at the bottom but if its windy etc then that always gets blown away so i took that out but bags still fit in it quite well and doesnt drag too much...well doesnt hit the ground at all.

The full pushchair is really light aswell.

Altho i suppose it is quite bulky for in the car and that, but it still fits in our boot and it fitted in our fiesta before. But since I dont have the car during the week then for walking etc it is fab.

Well worth the money i would say. x
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Mamas and Papas Ultima 8 in 1 & MPX Chassis Phood-12
Mamas and Papas Ultima 8 in 1 & MPX Chassis Phood-10
EBAY ID : shaz-1981
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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Mamas and Papas Ultima 8 in 1 & MPX Chassis Empty Re: Mamas and Papas Ultima 8 in 1 & MPX Chassis

Post by Natsuko Mon Jun 15, 2009 3:00 pm

that looks fab, I agree about the carseats as I have a priom viaggo one with the luna and its a sod to fasten into a normal car infact its rare for us to actually fasten it in (naughty I know) def think you need the base for it to fit properly.

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Registration date : 2008-05-25

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