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How do you feel about setting goals?

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How do you feel about setting goals?

How do you feel about setting goals? Vote_lcap60%How do you feel about setting goals? Vote_rcap 60% 
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Total Votes : 5

How do you feel about setting goals? Empty How do you feel about setting goals?

Post by tootsie_bug Mon Jul 21, 2008 2:38 pm

In my diet blog recently, I was talking about my weight loss goals and I mentioned that my leader feels that setting yourself a long term goal weight is demotivating and prefers us to simply work towards our silver sevens or the next stone until we reach a point where we feel that we have lost enough and can start maintaining. She's not the only one that has said this to me - the first week I joined this class it was a different leader (who left the following week) and she said the same thing. I had to insist that she write down my long term goal.

It's got me thinking. It suits me to have a range of goals. I set some time limits but only as I approach them so that they are more realistic. However, I realise that this would not suit everyone and I suppose I just got curious about how everyone else feels, so I've set up this poll. Please feel free to vote and to leave a comment behind.

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How do you feel about setting goals? Empty Re: How do you feel about setting goals?

Post by Angela Mon Jul 21, 2008 2:51 pm

i like having a long term goal, i want to get down to 11 and half stone but when you see you have to lose 36 pounds to get there it can be a bit disheartening.

so i set my self little targets such as getting to 7 lbs loss or for me going up the road to visit family who i haven't seen since january i wanted to lose 20 pounds and guess what i have lost 23 pounds and still have 2 weeks to go woo hoo x x x


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How do you feel about setting goals? Mod_bl10
EBAY ID : abba1772
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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How do you feel about setting goals? Empty Re: How do you feel about setting goals?

Post by susanne Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:38 pm

i have set myself mini goals!!!!

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How do you feel about setting goals? Mod_bl10
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How do you feel about setting goals? Bgirl-10
How do you feel about setting goals? Love-010
How do you feel about setting goals? Rnqb3610
How do you feel about setting goals? Sales_10
How do you feel about setting goals? Slimme10
How do you feel about setting goals? Ebay2110

EBAY ID : mrscorkill1985
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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